Air Conditioning FAQ

Air Conditioning FAQ

The air conditioner has become a device of absolute necessity in most houses due to the weather conditions, which are constantly changing. To be able to get guaranteed comfort and relaxation for the entire family in the summertime, it’s important that you’ve got an excellent air conditioning unit installed in your home.

When it comes to maintaining air conditioners, homeowners often become clueless about where to even begin. This is, however, quite common because not everyone has the technical knowledge or expertise to carry out AC repair and maintenance tasks. For those people, we have a list of frequently asked questions that we hope will better help them know more about their AC.

Is There Need For The AC Service Agreement?

First of all, make sure you have a service agreement. Service agreements can prove to be vital in case the air conditioner is damaged or begins failing. Whenever your air conditioner malfunctions, you should present the service agreement to Santa Clarita Air Conditioning & Heating. That way, either they or the manufacturer will pay for any parts and labor.

Can Molds Reduce The Performance Of An AC?

Molds of various types can grow in both humid and cool environments. Whenever your AC is functioning, there’s always a chance of some humidity getting trapped on or in the filter. So, to make sure you do not run into problems with mold, you must make sure proper maintenance is performed. We will clear and/or replace the filter, which not only removes moisture that’s trapped indoors but also prevent mold from further occurring inside of the unit.

How Can You Reduce The Energy Consumption Of An Air Conditioner?

There are certain ways that you can work to minimize energy consumption in your home. Having a unit that includes high-efficiency filtration can be very helpful. Regular maintenance can also aid in correcting issues that could potentially lead to significant damages in the future. Increasing your temperature in the summertime months is another way can you can cut down on costs, which will also bring down the monthly electricity bill.

What To Do If The Air Conditioner Isn’t Performing Efficiently In All Rooms?

Distinct factors could be leading to an uneven air distribution in your home. If you find that your AC isn’t functioning properly in some rooms, the best thing you can do is to give us a call at Santa Clarita Air Conditioning & Heating. We’ll make sure to reach your place soon as possible and get the problem sorted even before it becomes an issue. Even a minor change could lead to a big problem if not addressed early so those should also be reported.

Will There Be A Danger Of Having Carbon Monoxide Inside Of My Home?

No, your home will be completely safe. Every air conditioning system we install for our clients is safe and adheres to strict regulations. If you’re concerned about carbon monoxide poisoning, then we advise you to install a carbon monoxide detector inside of the premises. You should never take chances with toxic substances and get the HVAC problem fixed as soon as possible. We are a licensed and experienced company that can help you with all sorts of services related to air conditioning.